Monday, September 5, 2011

Insignia Progress

As I mentioned in my previous post, I'm making a military insignia system for C.O.T.U. It's going well currently, had quite a few problems with it at first, but now its working quite well. Currently it's still in a beta state, but just finishing it up. V.6, when released this sunday, will be so close to considered a full game and not a W.I.P. After that I plan on fixing/touching everything up, patching bugs, and tweaking some things for a V.6.1. If ready, I plan that version to be considered complete. But that does not mean the game won't be updated at all! Just not major things. The most major Update I would do is add a new weapon or Map!

Currently I have to do some more testing and patch some insignia glitches up, add upgrades to the ribbons, patch some glitches, and take the game out of Beta Mode (some beta codes don't turn off the OHS, so I can test certain things with the OHS, but are taken out during releases).

Also, as you may have noticed for the past few months, the OHS's have been down. But just recently I have taken care of that and changed servers. Your current version of the game cannot connect to the new server, only V.6 can. And as you could figure, the scores have been reset. I'm actually going to reset them again for the V.6 release, as theres a few scores currently up that were used for testing.

Friday, August 26, 2011

2 year anniversary!! :)

Today is the 2 year anniversary of working on C.O.T.U! Recently I havn't worked all that much on C.O.T.U, due to the fact that I was on vacation for 2 weeks. However, before that and right now, I have been working on something I thought would be really cool for the game.

I've done a lot of research for this, and have kept things historically accurate. It is a U.S.A Military insignia/awards. Each ribbon/medal/badge works in C.O.T.U based off what it's actually earned for, but mixed with Zombie-killing :)

There's a few medals, ribbons, and quite a few patches, plus a ranking system of enlisted and officer ranks. It's turning out pretty good so far, it's just an overwhelming amount of work.

I hope to be done with it before 9/11/11 to release V.6, there's been A LOT done since V.5.2's release. 9/11 was the first day C.O.T.U was released, in 2009. So 08/26 is the day the first engine of C.O.T.U was made, then on 9/11 it was released.

Why C.O.T.U was made? My friend had made a zombie engine/game-never-to-be-finished. It was pretty glitchy/worked funny. So I decided to make a Zombie engine of my own, just an engine, to see/show what kind of zombie engine I could come up with that worked really well. That was hard to do, and took all day! My friend had helped me with a script to help me. It was a very hard thing to accomplish, getting the bullet shells to come perfectly out of the gun, at the right spot, every time. After lots of fooling around and piecing ideas together, the script was born! The little engine turned out pretty good, it had peppy music and you had a Colt M1911 to fight through a test room. The gore and stuff like that was pretty off, but it worked, way different from the games current blood/gore. There were pushable crates in the room, no possible glitches to be made (OMG that's another story for that script). It was pretty nice. I decided to add to it a bit, and what do you know? It became a game. But it was levels of shooting zombies, not survival mode as it is today. I started to make a survival mode as a side thing in mid-October 2009, and it turned into a full on thing. In December 2009, I decided the campaign was stupid and not good (wasn't finished anyway), so It became full on survival mode, but this past year I havn't had time to really work on it, which is a shame, it's nearly nice and complete (though I never think anything will be truly complete) for a full release. But I'm thinking of getting the medals system done and releasing V.6 on 9/11/11, then patching up every bug I can get at and touching the UI up. Then releasing a V.6.1 a little later, as in beginning of October.

Well thats Call Of The Underworld's 2 year anniversary!

Saturday, July 16, 2011

What I've done in the past few days

First of all, Bullet curving on some guns has been programmed! And the shotguns/dual weapon bullet glitches have been fixed! I spent hours fiddling with it so the bullets would come out of the gun at the right place at every angle! Plus on the machine guns, depending on the gun, the bullets curve accordingly. MG42 curves alot, making the guns more fair. Also another big thing that I did was making it so that you can shoot zombies when they're latched on to you. Before the bullets were going to fast to trigger the collision on the zombies when they were on you. But now it triggers it just fine. Pretty soon I'm planning on making the zombies stagger back when you shoot them while they're latched onto you. Hell Hounds won't do that however, because they don't latch on to you. If you noticed they bite and swarm, bite and swarm, to get you turning in all directions so they can bite around you and behind. However, before you couldn't shoot them while they were biting you, but now that has been fixed as well. I didn't do anything with online coop these past 6 days, but I'll get back on that soon.

Bullet curving on the MG42 (mind that it's really hard to catch) :

Sunday, July 10, 2011

First day of C.O.T.U's Blog

Yes, it appears a bit late for a blog for C.O.T.U, considering that this project is nearly 2 years old now. Anyways this Blog is here for showing that the game is still in progress, and what we have been working on with it.
Well, yesterday I re-did the whole bullet curving system for shotguns and dual weapons. I made their alignment according to where your character is aiming perfect. Before as you may have noticed, it wasn't. Before the bullets would form into one big bullet and be kinda weird depending on which direction you were facing. Then IJrdn had a system for bullet curving with normal guns. I put that to work on most of the guns to give them a more realistic ww2 feel. It turned out great. A couple of days ago IJrdn made a new Colt M1911 buyable weapon image. After a lot of adjusting to help it look a lot like one from ww2, and to help it fit the game, it turned out like so:

Also IJrdn drew a new buyable Type 93 Flamethrower. It turned out nice as well:

Then me and IJrdn did some more Online Co-op testing. We connected well, but the messages wern't sending/recieving, so there's a problem there. (Messages as in x and y coordinates, what gun the player has out, sending this data to the other computer so it will show it on their screen).

Anyway that's what we worked on yesterday. Keep in for more posts on how C.O.T.U is doing. V.6 is expected to release as soon as Online Co-op is working :)