Sunday, July 10, 2011

First day of C.O.T.U's Blog

Yes, it appears a bit late for a blog for C.O.T.U, considering that this project is nearly 2 years old now. Anyways this Blog is here for showing that the game is still in progress, and what we have been working on with it.
Well, yesterday I re-did the whole bullet curving system for shotguns and dual weapons. I made their alignment according to where your character is aiming perfect. Before as you may have noticed, it wasn't. Before the bullets would form into one big bullet and be kinda weird depending on which direction you were facing. Then IJrdn had a system for bullet curving with normal guns. I put that to work on most of the guns to give them a more realistic ww2 feel. It turned out great. A couple of days ago IJrdn made a new Colt M1911 buyable weapon image. After a lot of adjusting to help it look a lot like one from ww2, and to help it fit the game, it turned out like so:

Also IJrdn drew a new buyable Type 93 Flamethrower. It turned out nice as well:

Then me and IJrdn did some more Online Co-op testing. We connected well, but the messages wern't sending/recieving, so there's a problem there. (Messages as in x and y coordinates, what gun the player has out, sending this data to the other computer so it will show it on their screen).

Anyway that's what we worked on yesterday. Keep in for more posts on how C.O.T.U is doing. V.6 is expected to release as soon as Online Co-op is working :)

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