Monday, September 5, 2011

Insignia Progress

As I mentioned in my previous post, I'm making a military insignia system for C.O.T.U. It's going well currently, had quite a few problems with it at first, but now its working quite well. Currently it's still in a beta state, but just finishing it up. V.6, when released this sunday, will be so close to considered a full game and not a W.I.P. After that I plan on fixing/touching everything up, patching bugs, and tweaking some things for a V.6.1. If ready, I plan that version to be considered complete. But that does not mean the game won't be updated at all! Just not major things. The most major Update I would do is add a new weapon or Map!

Currently I have to do some more testing and patch some insignia glitches up, add upgrades to the ribbons, patch some glitches, and take the game out of Beta Mode (some beta codes don't turn off the OHS, so I can test certain things with the OHS, but are taken out during releases).

Also, as you may have noticed for the past few months, the OHS's have been down. But just recently I have taken care of that and changed servers. Your current version of the game cannot connect to the new server, only V.6 can. And as you could figure, the scores have been reset. I'm actually going to reset them again for the V.6 release, as theres a few scores currently up that were used for testing.